
Database Management System



Do you want a great knowledge in Database Management System (DBMS)?
Are you a HND or Undergraduate student who couldn’t understand the basic concepts?

Join now Database Management System.


🎓CHAPTER 01: Introduction to Database

🎓CHAPTER 02: Database Terminology

🎓CHAPTER 03: General Types of Databases

🎓CHAPTER 04: Designing Good Databases

🎓CHAPTER 05: An Overview of SQL

🎓CHAPTER 06: Introduction to The Query The Select Statement

🎓CHAPTER 07: Expressions, Conditions, And Operators

🎓CHAPTER 08: Functions: Molding The Data You Retrieve

🎓CHAPTER 09: Clauses in SQL

🎓CHAPTER 10: Joining Tables

🎓CHAPTER 11: Introduction to Data Manipulation Statement

🎓CHAPTER 12: Creating and Maintaining Tables

📱Call: 076 469 9886

More details:
Lisbro Academy,
Kalmunai Branch
406, Main Street,
077 209 7766, 076 469 9886
lisbro.edu.lk | info@lisbro.edu.lk

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